There are several actions individuals and organizations can take to support the cause of helping communities get past polarization and meet important community challenges.
Chat with Ted
Chat with Ted about possible real-life uses of our community problem solving techniques. You’re not alone – organizations across America are experiencing the effects of political and social polarization. Internal divisiveness impacts the ability to work well together, and it diminishes the breadth of perspectives needed to get optimal organizational results. Ted would be happy to have a low-key exploratory conversation about your organization and the impact it is experiencing due to polarization. Schedule a time using this Calendly Link
Meet with other Community Problem Solvers.
In Northeast Ohio there are monthly gatherings of people who are learning to depolarize. Our organization is a network partner with Braver Angels in NEOhio for these public meetings. Braver Angels offers a welcoming meeting format, unique in its goal to depolarize, little by little, month-in and month-out.
Test drive a Dinner and a Fight/Dialogue event.
Bounce the Concepts of Community Problem Solving off others
Bounce the Concepts of Community Problem Solving off others in your organization. Here’s a 1-page download that you can use.
Volunteer with Ted at Fighting to Understand
A key challenge for small non-profits is increasing their impact – most lack the financial resources to hire market outreach and grant-seeking people. Fighting to Understand draws financial resources in two ways: by earning fees for organizing and moderating Dinner and a Fight/Dialogue events, and by seeking small, tax-deductible grants. We work with a couple of pro bono part-time consultants, and we can always use more help! Email Ted to explore volunteering.
A second key opportunity for volunteering is getting the word out to more communities to try Dinner and a Fight/Dialogue. Communities like school boards, or municipal leaders, or HOAs often face really tough issue now and then. If they don’t know about us, they might miss a great opportunity to use a proven approach to community problem solving. Find out how you can be a part-time ambassador – it’s simple and doesn’t require a fixed time commitment! Email Ted to explore volunteer opportunities.